Saturday, May 29, 2010

Buzz, Ruby and the chicks

We walked next to six lanes of traffic flanked by strip malls and hot parking lots to see the red tailed hawks of the Alewife Brook Parkway. The pair hatched three chicks in April and now the nestlings are getting ready to fledge. I'm not sure what is more fun the birds or all the silly bird watchers.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

8 Years!

I showed the girls our wedding album as our lunch time book. When we were done Hazel asked, "Mom will Louisa and I get married when we grow up?"
"You might."
"Good, I'll kiss her boogery face and say 'I do!'"


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lulu Speaks

Louisa grabs the camera, thrusts it at me. "Picture!"
She smiles this smile.
I show her the picture.
"Haaaappppy! Lulu happy!"